E26 – How To Get Clients on LinkedIn in 2022 – Live Event
Today’s episode is a live event Gary hosted on LinkedIn teaching attendees the latest strategies to help them get more clients from LinkedIn.
- How to Get Clients on LinkedIn – Intro
- Why LinkedIn? (03:21)
- Your Profile (07:08)
- Good place to make your pitch (16:30)
- Building your network with the Right People (21:00)
- Using sales navigator (24:00)
- Sending Invites (26:33)
- Mutual Connections (30:26)
- Automation (35:47)
- Outreach (41:01)
- LinkedIn Event (46:25)
- Q & A (54:20)
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Gary Ruplinger:
Hey everybody, Gary Ruplinger here. With just a quick intro for today’s episode, today’s episode is actually a live event. We did a couple months ago about some of the latest strategies for getting clients on LinkedIn. We had a ton of great feedback. About it, so I want to share it with you. All of my wonderful podcast listeners as well. So, there is a slide show that went along with the presentation, so if you’re listening audio format you should be just fine. You shouldn’t do anything that was seen on the screen, but if you do want to follow along with the video version, you can check that out on pipelineology.com/podcast, or you can check it out on YouTube so without further ado. We’ll get on with that with the event. Oh, and by the way, if you want to start attending our live events, just connect with me on LinkedIn and say, hey invite me to the next event.
How to Get Clients on LinkedIn
All right, welcome everybody to the 2022 guide for how to get clients on LinkedIn. And as you can see, I’m starting off great here. It says fill your Pipeline that was actually the last event I did, so this is what this is what happens when? You reuse your slide deck from the previous one. One is there’s always going to be that one little gremlin that hangs over it, you. Forgot to edit so, but regardless, you were here. For the how to get clients on 20, how to get clients on LinkedIn in 2022 events? So really glad to have everybody here. Really excited to be doing this one. I know for us is probably the biggest response we’ve gotten so far. And I’m really excited to be sharing this one with you, ’cause it’s really a fun one for me. ’cause this is how, you know we. We’ve really built our agency. Two is using LinkedIn, so going to give back and kind of share with you some of the strategies that we see that work now so. On our agenda today, pretty basic is probably going to go about 30 minutes or so. I know people are pretty busy, so trying to go too much longer, maybe a little bit more with Q&A, but really, we’re going to kind of dig into just a system to help you reliably and predictably generate new business from LinkedIn. We’re going to be focusing in on your profile. Because it’s kind of. It’s kind of the linchpin. Everything kind is going to revolve around that part of the system, so it’s really kind of fundamental to the success here. And then we’re going to talk about really how to build and grow your network, how to do outreach in an effective way, and some other methods that we’re seeing that really can help you leverage in a meaningful way. Your network and it’s not just posting content every day, so and then time permitting, I’ll save some time for some Q&A at the end here so without further ado. 11 quick public service announcements. If you’ve seen messages like this. That said, hey, I saw that you’re going to attend the how to get clients on LinkedIn in 2022 event
This is not anybody affiliated. With us, this is somebody using some. Type of tool. To just kind of scrape and basically get people who are interested in events so. No affiliation with any of those messages, no affiliation with link for any of these other tools? We’re actually pretty platform agnostic and lots of things can do what we’re going to talk about, but I just wanted to put that out there that if you see them, that’s not necessarily us. I don’t. Indoor, so I don’t even know who they are, so might be great. Might be terrible, but this is my way of saying I don’t know all right?
Why LinkedIn?
So, one of the things I guess I would say I really like about this platform versus kind of a lot of the other. Tools are way. Out there to really kind of build businesses that LinkedIn. You get permanent connections, so it’s not like running an ad campaign. You turn it on when you turn it. Pretty much all proof it’s gone. Is that right you? Get you can have up to 30,000 connections. That’s a whole lot of people that you can actually be connected to, right? And even on Facebook, it’s 5000 friends. LinkedIn being a bit more of a professional type of network, you can actually have up to 30,000 people and unlimited followers. Followers are. Probably a little. Less important on LinkedIn, as we’ll kind of see later that the engagement down there is a little bit lower. And probably the more even more important part is that this whole network effect and what we’re going to talk about with the profile really allows you to move people passed that completely cold phase really quickly. And when I say completely cold, think about cold call. It’s the hey, you know, I hey Jodi, you know I’m, I’m caught, it’s Gary from. Pipe biology, you have 25 seconds to let me know why I called. You that person has no idea who you are. No idea about your company. Any of that type of stuff? Nothing against cold calling. Still an effective tool, especially in some instances. I don’t like it, so I don’t do it so. This is one of those ones where we can do ways to basically get people warmed. Up before they talk to you, and we’re going to kind of talk about your profile and the other thing here is right, does it? Does it actually really work, does it? You know, can you get results from this and just kind of think about any right? I can find a post probably anywhere on. You know any message. Board on Reddit on Facebook somewhere saying any of these things, Facebook doesn’t work. Cold calling doesn’t work. LinkedIn doesn’t work. Billboards don’t work. Just tell that to all the cannabis companies on the border between Ohio and Michigan or Ohio and Wisconsin, mixing Wisconsin and Illinois tell that to them that billboards don’t drive business, right? It’s just gotta you have the relevant offer to the right people, so it’s really LinkedIn.
LinkedIn really can be effective or you just like any of these other tools. If you can leverage it in the right way. And here’s the thing. There is a really big difference between what people say they like and what actually works. I saw somebody this morning and it was on Facebook saying. Don’t invite me to a group where I’m going to ban you and things like that and you’re thinking boy, some people are just really sensitive to any type of invite to do business. Just keep that in mind. What actually works is doing is doing the work, getting your offers put out there to people and there’s. A whole lot. Of ways to do that so. Let’s kind of talk about it. Oh, really quick. Do this slide into last minute, ’cause I thought this was would kind of help make this real for a lot of people and that our benchmark. Then we’re doing this is that we want to see $100,000 a year in revenue generated for your profile.
So, if you’re not doing that, you could be doing more. And if you’re doing more than that, who else to you we have? We have seen some that are just almost a 10 million now. It’s crazy. That’s very rare I want. I want to point that out there. That 10 million is very rare, but you should be able to hit this this six-figure mark. With an account, especially if you’re a co-founder or in a leadership position. But even a business development type of rap or even account specialist can hit these numbers. So, let’s jump into it.
Your Profile
So, your profile is really let’s kind of take that. We can start with mine. Because you’ve probably all either see mine or connected with me at some point are at least familiar with my face so when it comes to really what are kind of the key components? This is kind of what people are going to see if they click on it first. So right picture, I think. Everybody understand that that that is important because again. If you see here. Over on the left-hand side towards the bottom when somebody sends the invite. You’re gonna see. Their picture, so make sure you have a picture of you or a caricature or. You can take some artistic license there, just make sure it’s a person and not like your company logo and make sure it’s public. I’ve seen that one quite a bit where all of a sudden, you’re. They say I can see my picture on LinkedIn. Why can’t you and it’s ’cause you don’t have a turn to public. Facing so just a quick little tip there. But really, what you want to make sure is that your headline there. So that’s the thing that comes under your name. What exactly are we? Are we trying to say here so? I want you to kind of think about this in two ways. One is for people who. Maybe don’t know you yet. This is kind of why should I connect with you? Or why would I be interested in connecting with somebody like you? So that’s kind of 1 and then two is OK. I’ve already in my head, now I’m. I’m kind of making that decision. Sure, we can be connected now what? What can you do? And your headline kind of makes. Kind of serves double duty there. So, we want to make. It looks interesting and fun enough. That you’re going to see that people are going to say Oh yeah, this this looks. Like somebody, I want to be connected to. And you can see here under the two examples I showed you these are just people. That work happens to be in my pending list that I had not either accepted or ignored yet and keep in mind, right? Some people are just going to accept everybody, and so people are going to ignore everybody. Workout talking about the middle here how are we going to deal with the people who aren’t. Always yes or always know. So, you can see the top one here. I’m going to butcher his name so my apologies if he actually is on here. MShabazz Sultan. So, all we see. Is PPC Amazonia consultant OK? And below that I can see how many? Mutual connections we have, and we’ll get to that in just a bit here. And then below you can see Kevin Homes. We can see a little bit more. He’s at least used all the characters that aren’t available to him. Which by the way, if you’re keeping score at home is 75 characters is what fits there in terms of what somebody is going to see, if you send them a connection invite. Now if you look over on the right, you can see it on my profile mines quite a bit longer than 75 Characters and you can go quite a bit longer than that. It’s just that in those little snippets. If you’re, say, posting a posting on phase or excuse me posting on LinkedIn commenting engaging, that’s the 75 characters or what? People will see. They’ll see everything if they click into your profile. And another quick little tip is you can put you can fit more in. They actually allow. You more characters if you’re using the. Mobile app on your phone. So do your headline on your mobile app and you can put basically more information about you.Kind of cover what we’ve seen is makes a difference and kind of helps maximize the two one gets people to accept your invite or makes people want to connect with you, and two actually gets them interested in what you do for work so that they ultimately reach out and say, hey, I’m interested in what you. Have to offer. Or can we talk ’cause that’s how we’re going to get clients from LinkedIn, right? So those are kind of that’s kind of like I said what we’re trying to do there.
So, putting what you do first, this is kind of changed over the past years. Putting your actual job title, whatever it is that probably should go first, it actually works a little better this way, mostly because it seems I think it just seems less aggressive. If you’re on LinkedIn pretty often right, you see a lot of people trying to connect with you, you know I help real estate agents. I help dentists. I help small businesses something like that. Used to be actually probably the best way to do it, it kind of shifted over the past couple of years is more. Basically, it’s just kind of more and more volume jump down, so we’ve kind of seen her shift back to put your job title first, whatever it is. Not only the founder and the Vice President, you know if the office manager put the office manager? It makes it look just more. For lack of a better word, legit.
Second part then. This is kind of your really short. Version of what you can do. You know whether that’s you know helping you know whether you’re doing search engine optimization. Helping you know, in my case helping businesses land high value clients. Something like that is. That’s kind of a good place to just kind of nudge. You’re really soft pitch in there because the goal here is. Well, it’s the old. Joe Sugarman, you know, uh, claimed copyright as a blue blockers guy. Basically, the purpose of the first sentence is to get somebody to read the second sentence, and so on and so forth. Well, in this case the headline is we want them to actually read the about section of our profile, so this is really that’s what we’re trying to do here. So, in my case, I put podcast, host, meme aficionado, and beer enthusiasts. And as you probably guess, the one that gets the most comments and attention, it was the very. Last one, that’s the one that actually generates the most conversation is putting beer enthusiasts now. Those people all become client small, but it helps with engagement, and it lets us kind of have that mutual something to. Talk about so. That we can potentially have, you know, some type of more meaningful engagement down the road.
Other things here at the top here will cover the background banner here in a second I’ll show you some other examples and then on the right-hand side which company. And if you’re the person who handles your company on LinkedIn, make sure your logos there, because otherwise it just is kind of a Gray little box, and it doesn’t look great and put wherever you went to school. And it doesn’t matter if it’s Community College, right? Nobody is impressed that I went to the University of Nebraska unless they also went there. So yeah. It doesn’t matter. If you went to Harvard or Yale, obviously that’s you know. Got a lot of them, you know, the authority generating stuff, but put something there. Because it puts a logo there, it puts more information and what we’re doing here is. This gets people to say, oh yeah, this person looks like a real person. Like I you know, well I I’d like to have. A beer with them so. That’s kind of. What we’re trying to do here with this very first part of this is we just. Want people’s eye looks like a. Real person looks interesting. Yeah, maybe I could use help with that so.
Let’s take a look at Brian Carter. And it’s possible. He was on here. I talked to him earlier. I actually worked with him. He’s not, he’s not. He’s not a client. Guy, I work. With him, but we so we kind of go. Back and forth on trying different things here. One thing I wanted to point out though is he did a really nice. Job with his background image. Now it’s slightly off here, ’cause they? Keep updating things on LinkedIn where the. His profile picture now blocks his face on this. Part of it, but. Right? What his background image really does? A good job is kind of conveying authority, so if you have this, if you’ve done any type of speaking events, if you’ve written any books, anything like that, putting your putting that picture up on the background is one of the most effective ways to do it. And I’ll show you some more examples, but it makes a surprisingly big difference in terms of connection, right and. Basically, your authority down the road and you can see up at the very top. Hopefully it’s not cut off here, but you can see he’s put logos of all you know, some of his major clients that people would recognize so. Right, there’s right, that’s nothing new. It’s kind of fundamentals to most types of landing pages or any type of website is. You can kind of feature that. Think about your LinkedIn profile is exactly the same type of thing. We want to focus on the copywriting. We want them. You know fundamentals of direct response, so it’s just in a little bit different order on a LinkedIn profile page. ’cause first and foremost, this is you and then your company versus here’s what it does so. Next one here. Let’s talk about that about section. So, if you’ve done a good job with your background banner, you got an image of yourself and you’ve got that good, compelling headline that helps one get people connected with you.
Good place to make your pitch
Great, now we’ve got that next. Little soft pitch that says, hey, here’s what I do, and somebody says. I wonder what that’s all about? Let me Scroll down. This is what happens when somebody scrolls down. This is a really good place to make your pitch. This is where you want to do it, so this is not where your work experience or hey, I’ve spent you know 15 years working with these you know or building this company. Blah blah blah. That is a good place for your work experience. This is the about section is really where it’s. Here’s what I can do to help you. So, if you really want to kind of make that shift from, I have a LinkedIn profile to my LinkedIn profile, generates new business for me. This about section is going to be all about making your pitch. ’cause again, this is if somebody wants to see it. This is the best place. To put it so, I’ve put an example over here on the right-hand side. Feel free to. Take a screenshot of it. We’re not going to read through the whole thing this particular structure. I’m going to forget who actually created this one, so my apologies were forgiving. Not being able to give credit where credits do here, but this is kind of a time-tested proven structure. A little intro about what you do. Right started off with. A headline never wonders where your next client is coming from. This was actually taken from one of my VA pages and she probably gets. More people to just straight up or reach out after she connects to him and say hey let’s talk then then just about anybody else, I’ve worked with so. This one is affected. But you may not offer this type of thing. So, let’s talk about the structure, here is. It’s essentially put a headline. At the top. Click little, you know introduction about what you can offer, and then there’s what we do, how we do it. You know for us we you know, try and make it a little bit funny, a little bit more engaged. Jing, you don’t have to do, or it’s, that’s how we. Do it or what makes us different. And then kind of a little bit. Uh, more, and with a call to action. In this case it’s DM and I’m happy to schedule an appointment. What I realize is we probably should just put it. Straight up linked to the appointment, ’cause people look just. They would. Interestingly enough, right? You think? How do I get him to kind of move forward well? If they’re interested at the bottom of that, what they end up doing and what we found probably happened more often than not is they Google the company. They go to my company page, they Scroll down, they find the book appointment page and then they just go ahead and schedule themselves so. So really there, there. This one really did a good job. Kind of doing that, that heavy lifting to get people basically from. Hey we just. Met to hey let’s I want to talk about doing business so. Structure works, feel free to play around with this right?
This is this is a good place to be creative. This is a good place really to get your profile to sing to your ideal clients, and that’s really what you’re trying to do is what is my ideal client? What kind of pain points are they having right in this case? I say never wonder where your next client is coming from. So, in this case I’m thinking this person it does not have a reliable system in place to get clients. And that is generally what this generates if I want big companies, we have to write it differently. So, a bunch of you know there’s a bunch of newlines here to doing all of that, but just kind of keep that in. Saying that, it’s not just about getting kind of maximum shock value here, it’s really about making sure that what you’re about section says is very consistent with the pain point and ideal client for you. Has like I said, this one is not at all effective for, you know, a company with 50 employees. We’ve never gotten a single response from anybody with more than 10 employees on this one, and that’s OK. That’s what her profile was really designed to do is engage with you, know your small business, your startups, things like that.
My profile on the other hand is designed a little bit differently, so it’s designed for higher end consulting firms. You know that that larger ones, so feel free to kind of peruse and make those make those comparisons when you get a chance. If you want to kind of see how we approach the copy a little bit from each angle. So now that we’ve kind. Of got the basics. Of the profile out of the way.
Building your network with the Right People
Here, let’s talk about getting the right people to view it. ’cause if you’ve done all this work now and it can be a little bit intimidating, I think it’s I think that’s part of the problem is that it? It sounds pretty easy and then you sit down to do it and you are just. You draw blank and you say I. I don’t know what to write I don’t know what to say here I’m not a. Copywriter, things like that. So, if you’ve taken the time to do that close to you, and I do, I do run across quite a few good profiles out there, so I know people have taken the time to do it. And really their problem, but you do all that. Everything I talked about now you said yeah Gary, I knew that. But I can’t get clients for you know what am I doing wrong? So now let’s kind of talk about the other half of that is let’s get. The right people to actually look at. Because if we’re, you know again, if that copy that we’re using the messaging that we’re using is not again appealing to the right people, we’re kind of missing, missing, missing out here. So, and on the right-hand side on this one is Christian, he’s just another client of mine, so just another different example. In case you want to take a look at it, but you can see this one again. Meets a lot of the same things, right? They’re not all caught cookie cutter. They know all look exactly the same, but there’s certainly some elements there that we. We carry over from person to person, so just wanted to give you another one to kind of look at.
So, building your network with the right people. We like to use sales navigator. You don’t have to use it. But this really can help you identify the right people now linked, and I’m going to assume most people at least heard of it, so I won’t really go to in depth on the on the, on that part of it, but essentially. Is it’s just a really super-sized type of search function built into LinkedIn and this can help you better more on a more granular individual basis? Identify people that you want to connect with. Right, you can identify people and by. Not just where. They’re located right, geography is. It definitely matters depending on what you’re. Offering right now. Some people they might only be able. To handle people inside the United States, other people, or it’s going to be only the city that they live in. Maybe you know. You live in San Diego and I really can only deal with people that are within, you know, the metro area. We can’t really go beyond that so. Those are some of the basics, but you can also do it by work experience specifically with what industry they’re in, how big the company is, what their job titles are, and one of the things here and then. Fortunately, with the slides I can’t show you live dynamically how it all actually works. But you can actually filter. About people and say I don’t want people in. This industry or I don’t want people with this job title, so. Right, you might pull up somebody who’s you want the president of a company and you don’t want to talk to the vice president. You can filter out. By job title Vice president ’cause same keyword. So, it’s going to show up there. Unless you filter it out.
Using Sales Navigator
So, when it comes to actually pulling good list out of sales navigator clicking and there’s a little button. If you can see my mouse here, if I were. If I were actually in sales navigator. Right here next to this, X to the left. If I put my mouse over. It there would. Be a little circle with a line through it. Click on it and you’ll filter those people out. Using sales Navigator is one of those. I know we’ve had some requests to do an event done just that, and we probably will in maybe two or three months. I don’t know if we’ll get it quite in for Q1 this year, but we’ll take a deeper dive into this. But just for now, no, this is. This is basically where you can connect with your ideal audience through it can be difficult to write. There are other tools out there, like from building lists, but it can be difficult to actually connect with them if you’re not getting them filtered through sales navigator first. But again, this is kind of just. Think about who they are what type of role they have? And keep in mind that sometimes I’m LinkedIn finding the right connection might mean connecting with somebody above or below them. We see that. Pretty often, in fact, we’ve got one campaign that we’ve been running for quite a while where the right. Person to connect with their title varies. So much across the country, even from city to city. That we just take a big group and say hey, can you tell me the right person in? Your organization to discuss this with. And it sounds it sounds silly, but that’s the approach that we landed on. But it gets the best response and it actually helps us move forward.
So just kind of keep that in mind that if you don’t know. Connect at different levels and you’ll either figure it out or just ask them and say, hey, who’s the right person? And you’ll probably find that it can vary in different types of organizations, and that there’s different people that influence the sales, so right. And maybe a marketing director at a company. Maybe they can’t say yes. Maybe they’re not the decision maker, but if you can actually get them on board. They can certainly kill that, so having. Them as part of your group to work through. Can be pretty helpful here so I know I’m just kind of touching the surface, though I know it’s one of those I don’t want to go too deep on, just that I’m. Going to be here a long time.
Sending Invites
So why sending invites versus the approach of a, I’m just going to post content on LinkedIn and people are going to want to connect with me and they’re going to come to me. This really, as you probably noticed, this gives us control over who gets added to your network. Right, if you’re like most businesses, you. Absolute, you absolutely love when you get referrals, they’re great. What you’ve also noticed that you don’t have a lot of control over who those people necessarily are, unless you’ve really got it dialed in and it gets kind of the same type of thought process with without LinkedIn is. If you actually go out in approach and say here’s my target market, I want to connect with just those people. It lets you get a much better-quality network in terms of being able to advertise and do run events and send out outreach to get people that are going to be interested in doing business. With you right if you. If you’re on LinkedIn, a lot of the people that. You’re that are trying to connect with you that are sending me invites they want you? To give them money, not the other way around. So just kind of keep that in mind that even on a content basis is if. You’re posting regularly. You’re getting lots of people to send you invite. Unless you’re maybe in the coaching space, let’s get that one kind. Of tends to. Be a little bit of an anomaly that most of the people that connector are just they’re not. They’re not really looking to do business with you. So much as they are, and they want to pitch you. So, by sending out invites ourselves, and really kind of targeting people and knowing you know looking at those. Names and looking at those job titles. We can make. Essentially, get the right. Get those people in our network that we want to talk to, and we want to have conversations with so that we can do business together. This one comes up a lot if you’re going to send out, start sending out invites. What do you say right? You push the little button and connect with this person and then LinkedIn says hey, you can add a note to this. It used to. Be by default they said LinkedIn, so I would say hey you know people are more likely to accept your connection request if you add a note. They don’t say that anymore. Which should probably hint at something, but the question that I probably get most often when I’m talking to people about. OK, let’s we’re going to start sending out connection requests is what’s the best way to do it? What do I say? And this is we’re going to talk about this from the perspective of people who don’t know you. If the people do know you, and that is how you how you met, so hey, you know we went to school together or hey, I met you at this trade show or hey, you know we were at this networking event. I’d love to connect with you that would be very, very high percentage of people. To accept, but let’s. Say you don’t actually know them. And when it comes to building new businesses, this is kind of a you build your group or your book of business by starting to talk to people that you. Don’t actually know yet. So most reliable way to do it. I pasted it right in there on the second line. I’m sure everybody can read it. I’m kidding, by the way I. Don’t tell good jokes. I should stop. Leave a blank. That that’s what I’m trying to say. Putting no Connection request at all is going to get you. Over kind of overall. Is going to be the best, most reliable, long term way to get people to connect with you. I don’t know why, maybe because you know people who put messages in there almost is almost always followed up by a pitch so people. Are kind of leery to connect with somebody who has that message there. Or that they’re so generic these days that it just kind of turns people off, but. Leaving it blank has been consistently though the one thing that we have found works across the board so. There you have it, there’s. Your little golden nugget for the day. If you want to get more connections. With people Just leave it blank.
Mutual Connections
But in case you need some other. Tips on how to build your network and get that connection. Right up because there is a limit to the number of people you can connect with in a given weekend. LinkedIn has been reducing that quite a bit over the past year or so folks. Click the escape button. Hope that God I hope that didn’t break anything. But nonetheless, building your network so other things that will help Mutual Connections and this are probably that the most important thing is that if you remember what I showed you, let me just jump right back up here since I have this up. This way, if I showed you when I showed you what an invite looks like is below what their headline is here is, it shows you the name of somebody. And this is not random, it’s somebody that they think you’re going to recognize now when you have 16,000 connections, you don’t typically recognize them. But if you have 500, there’s a good chance that this is a name they think you’re going to. Recognize and how many others? Same thing here. Right name of a person and how many other mutual connections you have. So just keep that in mind that you want it to show mutual connections. You want them to see a name that they’re recognizing, or somebody in that list and it will. It’s the connection with almost triple. Triple, so somebody having that and doesn’t, it’s probably one of the things that makes the biggest difference. Uhm again ’cause? It’s kind of that whole stranger is I don’t know this guy, but apparently Joe does, so he must be OK. All right, so that’s I just kind of want to show that to you real quick.
Other things that help is if you are like them. So right dentists will connect with dentist and basically nobody else. They are very difficult to connect with unless you’re a PhD or something like that. That helps too. That’s in the bottom one, but same professional. I mean, if you’re a founder of a. Company it’s easier for. You to connect with other founders if you’re. A vice president. It’s easier for you to connect with other vice presidents and so on and so forth. Now sometimes you’re trying to connect differently, and that’s OK. It’s still it’s still effective. But if you’re trying to maximize your connection rate being kind of at the same status. Level will help and again feel free to take some artistic license with it and have some fun. As I mentioned before. Profile picture make sure it’s a person. You preferably don’t use fake profiles. Little Public service announcement. It’s not that they don’t work, it’s just they don’t work for very long, so don’t waste your time on that. Use role and. Other things professor. Author, Speaker podcast hosts anything interesting about you, right? I put beer enthusiast; it helps. Gets conversations started, so these are the types of things that are going to make you again seem more human. Maybe that’s probably the biggest summary here and this is be a human look like a human. Uhm, when you’re doing this? Evan am I missing any questions here? I know I’ve kind of been doing this here. If I got a few people that will get you those recordings. Let me see here. I think we got most of them. Gary Brown, I will get back. To you on that one will. But quick answer he just asked if we could use a business page. Not a personal page won’t work. We can go through the nuances of. It, but basically if you’re. People won’t connect with businesses. It’s not LinkedIn as a networking place is. It’s person to person. So, you need to. People don’t connect with a business to person. It’s a person at that business. So, let me just think about it that way. Is that it’s going to work as a. As of two people. Connecting together trying to prospect as a business. Is completely ineffective and I’m going to say that in somebody somewhere is going to say that they’ve done it. They Unicorn, they’re very special creature. It just is. Is really, really hard to do. But I think I think that kind of catching up. Oh, back to the metric you mentioned before about 100K per flow. Which profile of your salespeople? Yes, your salespeople should. Be able to. With some practice. Not going to say. It’s going to. Start out that way, but they build their networks and they’re engaging with people and we’re going to talk about another meaningful engagement way to do this here in just a second.
I’ve got that kind of for the end of it, so Jody I will. I will kind of circle back. If I don’t answer that to your liking. Message me again here towards the end. And I think you’ll at least. Kind of get a better picture for that, but Yep, basically. Anybody who’s engaging on here it’s. This is kind of a it’s an active participant type of thing that’s not a sit back and wait, but for anybody who’s actively on the on the platform working, it should be able to hit that benchmark so.
So next step, now that we’ve kind of got that you know we kind of understand, kind of the fundamentals here and what we’re doing and why. We’re kind of thinking about things, kind of I’m kind of showing is kind of how we kind of systematically think about this is ’cause if we can do that, then we can put automation in place and this. Is where it starts. We get maybe a little controversial. Writing down. This is why. This is why LinkedIn didn’t have me do this for, you know LinkedIn is ’cause I’m gonna talk about some stuff that they don’t necessarily approve, although they don’t. If you do it in a way that kind of doesn’t really bother their network, they will also let you do it so. So, automation. Essentially, we want a system in place that is going to do the heavy lifting. For us, it becomes really cumbersome to try and log into LinkedIn every day and do the same tasks. Yes, Thomas Phantom Buster is a pretty neat tool. It’s also the one time I’ve gotten a notice on my account where they said hey, it looks like you’re using automation tools so. Have used it. I know a lot of. People like it, I’m I know. I’m a little leery of it. Just ’cause I probably did it wrong, but a lot of the tools out there. Are good, so yeah, using tools to. Automate this stuff is going to be great. Despite what people tell you, people do reply to templates. It just it continues to amuse me. As you know, people say no, we need to make everything really personalized and customized, especially if you have a team of people. And I would test this out. I’m used to work in that my corporate life. I was in the automotive business and I worked in the marketing department and my first big project. Was the CRM that we just switched to. And it was a disaster. But we had all these templates in there and I remember talking to the management team. You know about the templates and I said, yeah, they’re not very good and I said, well, templates are garbage, just take them all out and just tell the salespeople to write whatever. So, we did that. And you know. Those people are graded a lot of. Things and you know what there? Were two of them. She had a fantastic job. And they were out. Of them who were. Two of the months. I’m fairly sure should not have passed high school, so. When we went back and said, let’s put the templates in, but let’s really make him human. Let’s really actually have a little better. A better, less generic, less corporate speak sounding templates. What if we made them sound just like two people talking? On behold that we actually tripled the response rates we got from the. Templates and I’ve we’ve tested templates against personalized stuff. We’ve even tested templates on LinkedIn against sending out personalized videos when the coat when covered, first hit, and we’re all sitting at home with nothing to do. I thought wow, this has been I’m going to be. I’m going to be a genius here. I’m going to send out personalized videos. To check connections, so for one week I just sat. There on my phone and just started, you know, sending out little videos, introducing myself to people and it’s like this is me great and did that and at the end of it. I thought, gosh, how many responses did I? Yeah, and it was like 3 next week I through the automation back on. And yeah, we got about 45 people to respond so.
Uhm, personalization is great, but sometimes I really well written template is just more effective so don’t freak out too much and you’re like Oh my gosh I should be doing personalized stuff. No, just get something that really, really, you know works in place and. You have to test. It a little bit young. Those people out there who can help write them but. Using templates means that you can kind. Of spend a whole lot less time trying to do this, ’cause doing this all by hand is tedious. Probably need a full time VA to kind of manage this if you’re going to do it all by hand, which again, I’m not telling you have to use automation, I’m just telling it helps, but the one thing I will say is once. The responses come in that is time for a real human being to get involved. Uhm, because that at that point copy and paste or even like those types of those bots out there now that will use AI, which she’s not real AI at all. It’s just. It’s just a script, but it doesn’t. It doesn’t really engage people, right? I had somebody this morning talked about, you know, hey there they want to get people in education so you want to respond back and say yes, we can help you get people at education and higher learning institutions. In your response back to him versus yes, we can help you with that. Just little details that a human. Can do that machines. Well, when the machines take over, there will. Be better at this. They’re not yet today.
All right, so outreach I told you we’re going to cover the controversial stuff today and this one. I’m going to say just go out on a limb and say this is the controversial one, right is oh, you don’t want to send messages to people you want to? Oops, excuse me. You just want to you want to connect with people and then having them magically find you. I’m but I’m going to tell you that using this and. It doesn’t have. To be super aggressive and it doesn’t have to be really pitchy and just look like straight up spam. But if you do it, it still works, UM. Why does it? Still work, I’ll think about it here, so let’s just go over some scenarios where this can work is, you know you might ignore somebody, for you know who calls your pitches you. Forgive 12 months. For different types of offers, whether it’s. Let’s just say. Oh right, that’s a pretty popular one that. People like to. Talk about is. You ignore them. You’d want them you’re not interested, and then all of a sudden it you look through up. So, I can say, oh man, we you know we’re not ranking on the maps. We’re not doing this. Next person contacts usually. Hey yeah, let’s talk. So, I mean that’s. It happens more often than you think, and if you’re consistently doing outreach. Sometimes it’s your lucky and the timing is good. Yeah, that’s the low hanging fruit, but it works.
Sometimes it’s just that you’re again, you’re your relevance just happens to be fitting in with what they’re saying. The way you phrase something sounds a little bit different, right? All of a sudden, your approach is that you know, hey. We work with. Plumbers to, you know, get them more calls from Google Maps. You know, can I send you my most recent case study where we help them go from 3 to 23 calls a day? All of a sudden, they’re like they’ll say yes and cut. You know, contractors are difficult to reach on the platform, but. It can be done. Some of the other things that outreach does that I know people don’t necessarily think about it this way is remembered all that time. We just don’t really making your profile. Work better, good outreach gets people to go back and view your profile. And when I start telling people that that’s where things start to kind of click a little bit more as now it’s not. It’s not a cold call anymore, it’s more of a. And a oh boy, this person is. It’s more like they clicked on an ad and now they’re going to learn a little bit more. About me. So, I sent him a message. Now they click. Now they read about me. Now maybe you know my Experience now they. Say oh, this is a real person. Oh wait, you know. I know where that is, I know where that school is something like that. Oh, this looks interesting. I’ll and then I read through your work experience says, oh yeah, I can see through the work experience that this this person probably knows what the heck they’re doing, and they Scroll down, and I see some. Recommendations, i.e., testimonials from people and Say Oh yeah, person does good work. Let me contact them.
So, your pitch doesn’t have to do everything. If you are sending out messages to people, really, it’s just to kind of move them to the next step. Get him to. Reply gets into your profile. And in most cases, it’s going to be neither and they’re just. They’re just going to be part of your network, but that’s OK too. When we’re going to get to that and then kind of the last part about doing outreach is making an offer. You know sales 101 is, you know trying to move somebody along the path in the next step, so we’re not going to really get into offers and things here, but I will tell you that you know by offering them, you know, right? A lot of times it’s hey, can we make some time to talk? That was pretty common. It works with smaller companies. The larger companies you kind of work up. With, you know, usually you know start with a case study. Can I send you an example of how we helped with this? Something like that and then by the time you get to really, really high up, typically go back to networking calls but. That mid-market you know, kind of sending things like case studies or relevant examples of which your of your work can be helpful. So, outreach still works. I just want to mention that like I said, I know people are people don’t. People don’t like it, but again, it goes back. To there’s a big difference between what people. Like and what it actually works. Nobody sits down to watch the news at night because they’re really interested to see what types of crazy car commercials their local dealership has come. Up with they want to. See the weather or you know what’s going on in their city. But nonetheless, if you talk to a TV ad Rep, you know what they’re going to. Tell you we’re going to. Tell you tubes or super prestigious and you know they helped to build authority, and that’s probably all true. But the fact of the matter is, people still don’t. People don’t like ads unless you know. TV ads, unless it’s the Super Bowl, so keep that in mind.
Let me check a couple other messages here see if anything. Couple people who just wanna you know spam the spam. The thing here that’s fine. Let’s see here. I think I think we’re OK at the moment. Evan messaged me on Slack if there’s anything I’ve missed, though I know I’m. Kind of scrolling through these fast so. All right?
LinkedIn Event
So, let’s talk about kind of the next step here is what you actually on right now is uh, LinkedIn event. And this is something we’ve been kind of working on figuring trying to figure out how this actually comes into play and why this is more, say, may be more effective than doing posts or content folks. Files on the LinkedIn newsfeed. What we’re finding is this is really a way to meaningfully engage with your existing network. Your kind of can go from a, uh, static space on a profile page to a living breathing person who you they? Can you know, build rapport with and start to understand. This this meaningful engagement here is kind of what we’re talking about is ’cause it can take somebody who’s may. You know they may be Sawyer outreach and they weren’t interested, but they stayed part of your network here and networks like we saw can get really big. Up to 30,000 people. And this is one of those ways that we can continue to reach out and see them. And here’s the big thing about LinkedIn is that most people, maybe not you. You might spend a lot of time on there, but most people don’t spend much time actually on the platform.
So, for example, I looked this up. This is 2020 data so take that with a grain of salt that it might be a little different. Out may not be exactly right. For example, we know last year TikTok actually started to outpace Facebook in terms of where people were spending the most time. But regardless, if you look at it, LinkedIn daily time spent on LinkedIn, so people logging in scrolling through their feet. One minute less than one minute, a little over 30 seconds, 17 minutes per month number. Did commit to Facebook 58 minutes of time spent on the platform. All right, that’s. Scrolling through the feed, liking people photos, fighting about politics and vaccines and all that stuff. Lincoln almost no continuous like time spent on the platform, so this is this is actually part of the reason why that content is tricky to pull off on LinkedIn. It’s ’cause you’re posting your thought leadership and you’re sharing things and even. You know, like I said videos which you might spend a lot of time on. And you just don’t get the same level of engagement other than maybe the handful of people who are really super active. But of that you know 500 and 6046 excuse me. 546 million people only a small amount is actually there on a daily basis, so LinkedIn events and we’re going to talk kind of the way they’ve structured it and.
This is one of those choices that LinkedIn is made, but make it a little bit better, but. Is this, is more like a connection invite if I sent you a connection, invite LinkedIn and your network is going to say hey Gary sent you invite to connect, and then we’re going to email you about that. If you’ve got your email notifications turned on, and then if you have the mobile. App they might. Notify you don’t really see that in a post, and they’ve made LinkedIn events more like a connection request where. If you go on your network and this is probably great chance, this is probably how 97% of people found this particular event that you’re watching right now is that they were sent something that. Looks like this where it said in this case, Gary Ruplinger, or Evan Kastner, Pretty Ramirez invited you to attend. How to get clients on LinkedIn in 2022 event and we could either accept or. In your case, you accepted. But you maybe got an email about it. You might have got a notification on your phone. About it, but LinkedIn and really surface this to the top and that’s why this is a more effective way is not because everybody wants to do event tonight. It’s difficult to get people to show up to events, but. You know, probably prioritize. Because pandemic and stuff you can’t do a lot of live stuff. Or people are leery of it. So, they’ll do virtual events. And the acceptance rate on this is pretty good.
But really, if you that’s why I would say LinkedIn events over just about everything else in terms of if you’re going to do content, this would be the one to kind of focus on. ’cause it lets you want engage. It lets you get on video. It lets you see people and LinkedIn is going to push it and kind of feature it right? You probably all received an email. On that reminding you that it was today, so I’m. Just going to keep that in mind is that. It’s the visibility. Is there and that’s why they work, isn’t so much compared to everything else that it’s better. It’s just it’s more visible. Right, we linked and just started doing their audio room stuff, no idea. If that’s effective. No idea long term if that’s going to be, you know something that’s worth looking into. Might be worth trying one or two times, but it’s hard to say long term that’s going. To be right. Clubhouse really just last year skyrocketed up in popularity and dropped off. Almost nearly as fast so. That’ll be interesting, but right now I’d say.
This is where this. Is where LinkedIn wants you to focus your attention? So, we’re focusing our attention there and we’re helping our clients do the same type of thing is manage these types of events so that they can move people through the process and write the thing about outreach is that can you do it. And then it’s basically over link. This selects you again. Work with that whole network you’ve been building. So, if you’re adding people every single day. They stick around. This lets you kind of go back to them, even if they’ve. Been part of your network for a year 2,3,5 years. You can send them an invite to your event, and you know, maybe they weren’t interested five years ago, and things have changed now. Now they’re now interested in they’re a prospect for you so.
Recapping, essentially, we talked about how to build your profile to really speak to your ideal target audience, and then we talked about how to actually connect with that ideal target audience, and essentially it seems really simple, right? We just want the last. Gosh 20, oh gosh, I’ve been a long time, almost an hour today. Sorry guys I’m gonna try and do these little shorter but then we talked about how the message and engage with them. But that’s you know. That’s really been kind of. The goal here is. It sounds simple. And there’s a lot of little details there’s. A lot of nuances. To it, but it’s worth doing so.
If you need some help with that and I’m going to get to the questions here in just a second, but I just want to mention this and I’m not going to go into some big pitch so don’t worry this. Will take me about a minute, but if you do need some help. You can schedule some time to talk about this. If you say you know what this is, this is cool. I know I need this. I don’t have the time, or we have too many people, or I’ve been trying to get you know my, you know marketing person to do this for our company and they don’t get around to it. There are some types of politics. But if you need somebody to. Kind of build this. For you, help you manage this, help you get a scalable system in place for your organization. I would love to talk to you about it and see what kind of options we can put together for you, but this is primarily what we do is we’re all LinkedIn. All kind of building sales pipelines. We can kind of cover you in some of the more advanced. Features that we just did not have time to come cover today because I wanted to kind of dig into the basics and we’ll probably go over some of the advanced ones an event later this year, but. Right? You can message me like. I said gary@pipelineology.com or go to the appointmentlab.com that will get you directly to my calendar ’cause I’ve decided if you’re on this event. And you’re interested. You’re probably pretty qualified, and I don’t have to send you through a bunch of hoops to jump through. You can just. Talk to me.
00:54:20 Q and A
All right, so with that out of the way. Let’s take some more questions and if anybody has one unmute yourself and just ask jump on in.
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