Episode 13 – Sales Mindset with Angel Sandoval
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00:00:56 Gary Ruplinger
Welcome everybody to another episode of Pipelineology. I am your host Gary Ruplinger and today I am pleased to be joined by Angel Sandoval B2B Sales Executive and Sales Mindset Coach, Angel, welcome to the show.
00:01:11 Angel Sandoval
Appreciate it. Very excited to be here.
00:01:13 Gary Ruplinger
Well, I am excited to have you and I’m looking forward to kind of jumping into today’s topic. But before we get too far into that, could you just for anybody who’s not familiar with you? Could you just give a little bit about your background kind of tell us your story and how you how you got here?
00:01:28 Angel Sandoval
Yeah, so basically, we’ll start will start back in the in the older days, but pretty much the way I got into sales is I graduated college when I was 20, I lived in El Paso, TX and got the perfect job, got the perfect job, was making 80K a year plus commissions as a 20-year-old and no clue what I was doing. My life obviously right went into more of account management and territory management and then to cut to bring it all together is I actually ended up getting fired a year and a half later because I didn’t know that mindset played a huge role into sales. So, I used all my money to just go out by myself. Things right filled in those quotes unquote voids right? That don’t help. They didn’t know that reading and podcasting was a thing back in the day, right where you had to keep growing and growing and sales, not just put it on a resume for experience, password a year and a half later. The company you know fired me, so they took away the car company phone. I was left with a house and a car bill and I had gained 20 pounds. ’cause you know, I was near to the corporate world. So next thing I know, I’m looking at the mirror year and a half later. Guy, I’m overweight. My relationships holding on by a thread. I’m in debt credit card that no job. I have a home and I’m just sitting there like what is going on. And the reason I tell you this story is because I put my ego on that side, that that that week when I was trying to figure it out and I got a job getting paid 28 K here doing cold calling.
00:03:08 Angel Sandoval
For a startup and that I like to tell this story because cold calling actually ended up saving my life. So, I went into the guy that made 100 and something dollars a day, brought in accounts to the full sales cycle process and now the reason I transition into being a sales mindset coach as well is because I know for a fact that one mindset and personal problems isn’t talked about in sales enough. They’re just seen as numbers, right? And so that messes with the sales professionals ahead. And Secondly, Luckily, I got myself out of it, but I know there’s not enough sales professionals that have gotten themselves out of it and someone listening to this right now is probably in the trenches right now. Trying to figure it out. That’s why, I, that’s how we got here.
00:03:55 Gary Ruplinger
Well, excellent, so let’s jump into sales mindset ’cause I know you and I were talking about this before we push the record button. That sales mindset in a corporate world or in a sales environment is not something anybody talks about. It’s always right. It’s how many. How many people did you call? How many followers did you do? How many appointments do you have? But there’s a whole lot of things that kind of happen in the space in between there that can really impact your results. So where should we start, Angel?
00:04:30 Angel Sandoval
Well. Big in, there’s a lot of topics that we can cover, but actually, as I mentioned, I work with Li Forensics right now. I’ll mention this my VP in my sales manager always say one quote and it stocks with me and it talks about mindset there. Huge about mindset, right? He says they say performance doesn’t dictate mindset, but mindset dictates performance. Right and I I’m just gonna throw that one in there because so many managers hearing this right now. Our sales reps think if I hit more dials get more sales, I’ll feel more confident about myself. Therefore, I’ll perform better. It’s actually backwards. It’s about building that confidence and that that assertiveness. Before your mindset will then get you too. More sales and more dials.
00:05:18 Gary Ruplinger
Excellent, I like that. I like that you mentioned that you’re actually one of these guys that’s in the trenches doing it your sales mindset coach. Every day you are still out there doing the sales right? I think you told me before this before we started here. That is for a lot of people out there doing coaching. It’s been a long time since they’ve picked up the phone and actually, talk to somebody.
00:05:40 Angel Sandoval
Yeah, and it’s crazy because and I, that’s funny. I actually was looking at some videos earlier and I like to see what other people’s you know theories and what they teach their students. And sometimes I’m just sitting back like you’re teaching them something that work. Maybe five years ago. I mean, even right now during like quote, unquote, COVID times and the way things are changing, everything is changing and so you can’t teach the way you used to teach, so I actually I could leave my job if I wanted to, but I think it gives me like this edge that all my students get to benefit from because I’m in the trenches every single day I’m ringing the Bell I’m making the sales. They get to feed off of that energy as well.
00:06:24 Gary Ruplinger
That’s yeah, I love it. So, when it comes to, I guess sales mindset, what? What exactly does that mean? Or what should I? How should I understand that?
00:06:38 Angel Sandoval
Yeah. It’s so it’s like a simple yet loaded question, right? And I don’t, I’m not gonna go too deep into it, but I will give you like the like how I like to say like high level so first things first mindset is just are you in like are you in state? How do you feel about yourself is what you’re feeling saying and doing aligning altogether right? ‘Cause I can be telling you something in this in this podcast, right? But if I’m thinking that I’m not good enough right now, or why am I the one doing this podcast and what I’m doing is? Not performing at my job, we’re going after this and sleeping ’cause I’m working from home then I’m not gonna. I’m not having the right mindset, right. So, mindset. I like to think it’s like thinking, doing and saying. Having all those three things aligned. Right, and so that’s that that’s what I would say is like the initial. Obviously, you dive deep. Now we’re talking into emotions like how to tap into your confidence, right? How to be assertive? Out of empathy? All of the little things that that come into the process. That makes sense.
00:07:53 Gary Ruplinger
I think so, so I guess. Perhaps we could look at it this way is what are some of the things that some of your students you find that these are the areas where they’re making the most mistakes that are really having the most negative impact on their sales.
00:08:11 Angel Sandoval
Yeah, and that’s a great question. I think the biggest one is straight up confidence. Crowd confidence at understanding what they do and what I mean by that is people think that you can just show up to your sales role, right? And I just tap into the sales guy and I’m awesome. But then I can actually show up at home, right? An have a bad relationship with my wife. Have all these issues going on. Being you know, I’m actually like more introvert when I’m at home and then they think that when they go to their friends or when they do when they look at themselves right like their health for example they don’t work out or maybe they don’t sleep enough, but then they somehow think that again you show up to the sales role and you’re this major rock star. Well, most of my students’ notice is because they’re not aligned altogether. Use two things happen right? You can’t get your mindset right because you struggle with like your identity, right? You’re like, well, who am I really like on this guy that can do good in sales? But I’m this guy that hates when I’m home. But I’m this guy that wants to be a perfect dad, but I’m not even making time for my kids like who am I right? And so that messes with most people’s mindsets. And so, when people come to my coaching program, the first thing we do is we need to align who you are so that you can show up as that person consistently. And then what that that’ll do is kind of like that compound effect, right? If I show up like that same person more often, then I start actually ripping the benefits from all of the areas in my life.
00:09:48 Gary Ruplinger
That’s excellent, so, what are some of the things that, let’s say you know I’m listening to this and I know I need to get better I want to read better results. What are some of the things that I guess I should start doing ASAP? Or if you could maybe share some kind of top tips or something that usually, it’s going to just have the big you know some impact for them so they can start to. I get some of the benefits.
00:10:21 Angel Sandoval
Yeah, so it would. I would say it depends where you’re struggling on the process, right? So, is it? Is it on the closing portion? Is that when you make the cold call, getting through the gatekeeper? Is it on the demo, right? The follow up, but I would say like, let’s say I don’t know. Let’s pick one. Which one? Which process would you wanna be? Do you think it’s closing opening demo ING?
00:10:45 Gary Ruplinger
You know the one that’s been on my mind lately has been follow up, so I would love to explore that one.
00:10:52 Angel Sandoval
Alright, so I actually like to consider myself that I’m a pretty good follow up like King, right? And I’m using that lightly. What I mean by that is I’m actually really consistent on staying on top of my customers right on the prospects. My question to you is if we’re struggling and follow up. I wanna put that same thing in different areas of your life. So, for example, have you said I wanna workout more and then you didn’t end up working out or you went to the gym twice but didn’t go three more times like you had said for the week, right? Did you say I’m gonna eat healthy? But then you got hungry one day you ate out and then you didn’t follow up on that diet. Most of the way we sell is the way we live. That’s why when they call it a sales lifestyle. You actually have to make the sale fit your lifestyle. Does that make sense?
00:11:45 Gary Ruplinger
Oh, I’m loving this. This is I haven’t. I’ve never heard it explained that way, but.
00:11:50 Angel Sandoval
Yeah, my goal at the end of days like people would think that sales you just show up and you again smile, and I’ll burn the phone. Do you think they show up to home and then you separate it? It doesn’t work that way. It’s a sustainability game. I want to be able to tell my kids that I did sales when I when I started at 19 right? But the only way to do that and enjoy that without having a negative connotation is if I can actually make that a lifestyle. Right? ’cause let’s be honest, everybody hates how many people have a bad stigma of sales, right? Even people that are in sales, they’re like, oh, we just do it for the money, right? Which? Of course, there’s potential. But why can’t you enjoy your everyday? Why can’t you be excited about going? It’s because again, who you see yourself as a salesperson and who you see yourself in your life. They’re not lining up and then you start having identity crisis and then that’s why so anybody? Listening to this if you’re bad at getting passed through the gate?
Beekeeper I’m gonna go ask your question when was the last time you made a friend outside of your role? When was the last time you were you had interest in somebody else, then you know you have value as a friend and went out and made a new friend? If you better follow up listed with your other goals that you have in place, did you give up on them or did you follow up? And if you just simply are just not getting the clothes like you did everything right? To the book, to the script, and you’re not getting the close. This might sound like a weird thing to sound. Is there censored in the podcast or?
00:13:23 Gary Ruplinger
I have it listed as explicit, so go for it.
00:13:26 Angel Sandoval
Perfect. So, if you can’t close my question to you is if you have a wife or a girlfriend. Are you having enough sex? Weird thing to say, but are you actually putting yourself out there and saying this is what I got? Here we go if you’re struggling and you’re closing ratios, taking a dip, have more sex and I know this has. Again, this is just one example out of millions that we could do here. But if you have more sex, work out more, you better watch your performance skyrocket.
00:14:00 Gary Ruplinger
That is, that is.
00:14:04 Angel Sandoval
As I just threw that one out, yeah.
00:14:06 Gary Ruplinger
I’ve never. I’ve never considered the connections that way. Alright, well let’s continue down that path. Let’s what about? So, we’ve got. We’ve talked about closing. We’ve talked about how the race instead of closing, following up, and the outreach getting past the gatekeeper. About what about Booking Appointments?
00:14:29 Angel Sandoval
Yeah so. I’ll tell you; this is why I love where I work, and I think that ’cause me the way they think they’ve taught me and the way I got to teach. Anyways, they always like to say. You have to be number one rule in sales and I’m gonna quote him ’cause he’s my manager Tyler Witt. He always says be charming as a ****** ****** And I’m sorry for cussing. Again, that’s the number one thing. So, when it comes down to booking appointments, it comes down to the same thing. Kind of like that that friend thing, right? But will stick with the wife and the girlfriend perspective. How many times have you been able to actually know where you want to go eat? ‘Cause. Let’s be honest, no one ever knows where they wanna go. Eat biggest topic in relationships. Can you get your wife or girlfriend or partner to say yes to the place that you want to eat? Making a team like it’s their idea, right? Like showing in the value. Just like when we book an appointment you throw in your value. Prop your negotiate times and then you lock it in. I bet you whoever is not good at booking appointments is not is not good at all at getting someone outside of their life to listen to them. And then be able to communicate the value that they have as a person. Yeah.
00:15:49 Angel Sandoval
So, I’ll tell you like I tell you a story. I’ll tell you a story. So, like one of my students, he just couldn’t seem to figure out why he couldn’t close. Well then, we took it back. We figured out what’s your discovery, right? You’re not asking enough questions. You don’t have enough intentional armor, right? You’re asking a bunch of questions. But they’re just questions like they’re not, they’re not gonna get you to that next step, right? So? I started kind of noticing like I just I you just have a thing when you start coaching you just start noticing people’s actions and you’re like what’s going on some things off right? And so, we started talking about his dad and he’s Asian, so you know like he comes from China came to the UK. He’s in the UK now. He’s like he had a business. I have a business. But every time we talk, he just cares about the numbers.
Right, he doesn’t care enough about me blah blah blah, right? So, I’m like interesting so I was like let me ask you this right when was the last time you picked up the phone from your dad or give him a call? And didn’t have an agenda like didn’t go for the close. When was the last time you just ask questions to get enough armor to then go for the close and then he was sitting there like with what’s going on? This is a relationship with my dad. This is not sales and I was like, this exactly sales, when did you put his intentions first? Like you’re that owned the business, right? Yes. Have you ever asked him anything about the business, what he did, how he grew it over his issues? How did that affect him as a dad like, have you ever asked him that he said no, and I was like, alright? If your goal is to close him on you guys, having a better relationship and him understanding your business, then let’s ask him enough questions that we can relate to at the end. So anyways, he went on a call with his dad and I told like he literally did it. Kind of like a discovery and it just like it shifted everything. He made it about him. Ask them questions. Build report. And then it made the data. By the way, how is your business? What are you doing right now? And it’s funny ’cause 2 weeks later from that he went from having one client to three clients two weeks right after and right now he’s like in full momentum because his dad in him. He pretty much closes that on having a better relationship it was interesting, and now he’s like in full momentum going up. It’s awesome.
00:18:21 Gary Ruplinger
Wow, that is. That is a cool story. I really, really like that one. So what? What else should people know about this? I, I could just listen to your stories all day.
00:18:34 Angel Sandoval
I think. Well, first things first, like if you’re committed to this, like if you if you’re listening to this and you’re saying Angel Gary like I’m in I’m a sales professional and I’m gonna stand by it. Now go and create like this. Cool, you know, we’ve seen all these titles being created because people are hesitant about sales, right? Like no if you’re saying I’m a sales professional and that’s who I am, and I want that to be part of my identity. Then you need to make sure that you line up you’re that identity to your other sites, right? Like if you’re a dad. And you’re sitting there like, oh my daughter doesn’t listen to me and oh I can never have time with my wife, and all this use your sales process is like what are you thinking? Sales is a form of communication and you’re not steamrolling someone, right? You’re inspiring someone to create a change to get your program, because that will help their business.
00:19:32 Angel Sandoval
Why can’t you do that in your everyday life? Like? Why do we overthink it? We get home and we think we have to do so many different things like my fiancé hates it now. Now she’s the perfect. Not the ideal prospects she can hear me now and she’s like, no, no, you’re not getting a sale today and I’m like a sale we’re just talking and she’s like no I know what you’re doing and then we still get the sale ’cause you know we just we just go a different route but so many people like a lot of my students, they just struggle with that and I‘m sure, well, as we’re talking through this Gary now bunch of things are going through your head, and you’re probably like interesting. ’cause we don’t like to think that our life and our sales rule or business or coaching program connect, but they do. And when you finally make peace with it and you use both tools for it like then you just become unstoppable.
00:20:29 Gary Ruplinger
That is excellent. Like I said, it’s a fascinating idea that how, how are our lives the way we live them outside of our professional careers impacts it so can impact it so dramatically and have these profound differences, yep there, they have nothing to do with your those. Those metrics we typically look at those KPI’s of you know how many closes did you have this month? What are your numbers like? We’ve mentioned, so that’s
00:21:03 Angel Sandoval
Like, what’re your life KPI’s? Why are you measuring your life? Of course, your closest matter because they generate your income. So, one of your life KP eyes are income. So how do I influence income? Get more sales? How do I influence sales? Do this and if you take it back, they should. They should be able to hit a circle where they’re connected. Right, like if you don’t walk your dog like for example this week got so busy. Didn’t walk my dogs and I didn’t play with them. I usually play with them for 25 minutes. I have three dogs so I’m just throwing the ball or just running ’cause they’re big. I didn’t do it. I went to the gym instead, focused on me, didn’t do it. So, guess what? Midnight 2 In the morning 3:00 in the morning and then five. They’re crying. They have too much energy they’re waking up so guess what that does to me I can’t sleep properly, right? So now I wake up I can’t work out in the morning because I didn’t sleep enough. So now I go to work, and I’m supposed to show up to these gatekeepers and these demonstrations all energized. But I can’t because I didn’t walk my dogs. I didn’t sleep and then that affects my conversions. Then it affects my sales. And then I think it’s because of my objection handling only because of the way I do my prospecting. So, then I get frustrated. I go home. Well, guess what? I’m frustrated so I don’t wanna walk my dogs. I’m just gonna go and cool off at the gym. Next thing you know. I walk my dog one day. Guess what that does. I get to sleep. I wake up for the gym. I showed better ’cause hey had a great night sleep. I’m having a great time having phone calls with people. Next thing you know my closing ratio goes up. That’s always a story. I’d like to say because if your closing ratio is down my question to you is has what happened in the last? Two to three weeks that just changed your pattern. That shifted you that has nothing to do with your role. That’s how you fix it.
00:22:55 Gary Ruplinger
This is really, really cool, so I guess for somebody who says I want more of this, I need there in where should they go to kind of learn more about you? Get in touch with you ’cause I know, I know you could talk about this all day.
00:23:13 Angel Sandoval
So. You guys can. Well, you got LinkedIn so I’ll give you my link then if you can post it, but I don’t have a website yet or anything like that, I’m still doing, lot of testing, right? So, I don’t wanna I’m not there at the website pushing yet, but I do. I mean, I’m open as this so like if you guys want to contact me, I’ll give you my Facebook, my Instagram. My Instagram is @sandoval.sells again my Instagram is my personal life and it’s still, all about sales, I’ll give you my phone number. Literally anybody wants to call a text at 915-887-9144. A lot of podcast people get a host. They get really tripped out when I just give my cell phone like that, but again, that’s the way I make friends. That’s the same way I approach a cold call and that’s why we I enjoy what I do.
00:24:09 Gary Ruplinger
I love it. Will definitely put that your information in the show notes here. Everybody you know stock Angel on social media blow up his phone he wants to hear from you so get in touch.
00:24:23 Gary Ruplinger
Angel, thanks so much for coming on. This is some really fascinating stuff. Like I said, don’t something that nobody really covers it or very rarely does so. I really appreciate you sharing these insights with us.
00:24:36 Angel Sandoval
No, no problem and right before we end it again. It’s I just wanna say guys like the way it is, just stop trying to be two different people. Stop trying to be different people in different areas of your life because all that does to your subconscious. It just really confuses it, and it doesn’t know how to act. That’s why you get overwhelmed quickly when you when you’re trying to combine all of it. So, make sure that if you choose, I’m going to be an awesome dad. It would be an awesome salesperson and a great husband. And the I don’t know in a marathon runner, whatever it is that you want to do, find a way to connect them ’cause when you do, you really will find more peace and you’ll be able to grab every part of your life and really be more objective and not just react emotionally all the time so that, that’s my message there for you guys. So, cell with intention to create happiness.
00:25:30 Gary Ruplinger
I love it. Will be sure to check out Angel’s social media presence and thanks everybody for listening so much Angel. Thanks so much for coming on the show.
00:25:42 Angel Sandoval
Appreciate you Gary. Appreciate it.
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